August Prayer (Month of New Beginnings)

Hallelujah! Glory to your name Father. Matchless is your name Father. There is none like you, and we put no one before you, as you are The Great I am. We know you to be the wonderful counselor, the prince of peace, Everlasting Father…… you are indescribable, there no words that can possibly come closeContinue reading “August Prayer (Month of New Beginnings)”

No Matter

Good Morning , Thanks Lord for allowing us to see another day. We believe You have given us every resource needed for today. Thanks for trusting us in all assignments given. We shall walk in confidence, knowing we are victorious. In Jesus name, Amen. Let’s get it! Love You, Happy Wednesday! πŸ¦‹πŸ’œ #ButFirstLetsPray #Believe #NeverQuitContinue reading “No Matter”