August Prayer (Month of New Beginnings)

Up late worrying and this is what I came up with… just pray.

Hallelujah! Glory to your name Father. Matchless is your name Father. There is none like you, and we put no one before you, as you are The Great I am.

We know you to be the wonderful counselor, the prince of peace, Everlasting Father…… you are indescribable, there no words that can possibly come close to explaining all that are to us. Yet we still call you Holy and majestic in all of your ways. Freedom is where you are, peace is who you are, joy is who you are. We desire to be where you are.

We welcome you into this place, we invite you in on our worship today. We invite you into our most vulnerable places today, we invite you into our hearts, we invite you into our hardships, our worries, our concerns.

We pray our words are like sweet praises to your ears. We pray that our worship tugs at the hem of your garment, that pulls on the strings of your heart. So much that you are willing to reveal your heart to us as you are pleased with our worship unto you. Anything hindering our worship today we let go of. We get rid of it now and give you Holy Spirit permission to strip us of everything that is hindering us from worshipping you. Everything that is distracting us from worship.

We let go of doubting what you can do for us, we let go of our disappointments of what you have not done for us, we let go of the desire to have full control over our situations. We say have your way in this place, breath new life within us. In this moment we desire to inhale Your exhale. Give us you today, reveal to us the desires of your heart. May we draw nearer to The Kingdom of Heaven today.

We incline our ears to hear from Heaven, To hear all that you have to say from your throne. With confidence we draw nearer to the throne of grace in order to receive mercy and to find grace. Only to extend that same amount of grace to others. To those we evangelize to, to those that we share our testimony with, to those that are harder to love than others, to those that we need to forgive, to those that we need to encourage, to those that we need to lend a helping hand to. May we demonstrate mercy upon them and extend grace. Fill our cups Lord with only you, fill our hearts Lord with yours, fill our mouths Lord with your promises, fill our ears Lord with your voice. Fill us until we overflow, fill us, fill us. God even if you fill us with a portion of you, it will still be more than enough.

So forgive us for complaining and not being satisfied with just you and what you deem to be enough for us. Forgive us for not giving you the praises for all that you have done and currently doing. Forgive us for comparing ourselves against one another. As we all have our own gifts and usefulness for The Kingdom of God. Forgive us for not being obedient to your instructions.

We also choose to forgive those that have hurt us in ministry, we choose to forgive those that have damaged our reputation to include ourselves. We choose to forgive ourselves.

We stand here with open ears to hear from Heaven the instructions on what’s next, where to go, how to go, what to do, and who to speak to. Lead us Good Shepard into righteousness, lead us Father into your marvelous light. As we continue to meditate on your word day and night may it be a lamp to our feet. A light to our next steps towards you Father.

We trust that you will meet us at the next step. We believe that you have equipped us for the next step kind father. We have full assurance that where ever you desire for us to go, The Holy Spirit has already set the atmosphere, that the fight is fixed and we win. And because we trust in your every word in love, we know that you will deliver us, and you will protect us.

We know you to be our Abba Father and The Good Shepard. So we know that even in the times of trouble you will be with us and you will answer us when we call upon your name. So we fear not what lies ahead because if you are for us who can be against us.

We now position ourselves for the shifting that is about to take place in our lives. Daily we shall strengthen our prayer life and hear from you God. We are receptive and discerning as to who God is connecting us to. We will begin to flow in who you called us to be. And because of our obedience to you Father we shall start to see the tangible presence of you and that it was all you.

In Jesus matchless name we pray, Amen!

Published by The Dawn of Christy

Mother of one, and encourager of many. Born near the coast, loves to sing karaoke to Country music, and Fall is my favorite season. I am still growing, and dying to my flesh daily. I am me.

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