The Upside of Failure

Failure is described in the Webster Dictionary as ‘the state of INABILITY to perform a NORMAL function’. Or what about the definition that says failure is ‘the lack of success’? The definition itself stirs up a negative thought process about oneself. Low-esteem becoming apart of our wardrobe should we fail at our assignments.

This is most definitely not God’s intention for our lives. His word tells us to rejoice and boast even, whenever we fail or go through dissapointments. He says that His power is made perfect, in our weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

Psalm 73:26 confirms that failure will be apart of our journey or walk, yet God is greater than that moment of failure.

Romans 8:28 says that all… ALL THINGS work together for the good of those that are called according to your purpose. If we are confessing Jesus Christ as our Savior then we have been called to his purpose… Building up of the Kingdom of God.

I say today that we change the definition of ‘failure’. To maybe something like… ‘The discovery of what one should continue to perfect.’ Or ‘the preparation or process of our greatest comebacks’.


Today we give all of our failures to you and praise you for the process. In the process, our faith is strengthened. After the process is where we are exposed to our greatest revelations of who you are in us. May we no longer wear our failure as dirty rags but as reminders of our past victories. God, you have lifted us above our failures and we rejoice in knowing that you are using everything, even the failures, to work for our good. We are a work in progress and excited to see and receive all blessings from you. Make us over and great.

Love Always,

My Praying Heart


Published by The Dawn of Christy

Mother of one, and encourager of many. Born near the coast, loves to sing karaoke to Country music, and Fall is my favorite season. I am still growing, and dying to my flesh daily. I am me.

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