Healthy Heart Tips: Safe People Encourage

So you had a plan… wrote it out… followed it through line for line. Yeah. Then it happens… nothing. Their response to your grandiose idea… nothing. You just spilled your heart out to your crush about how you feel… He gives you a bag of chips, a great smile and tells you to wait forContinue reading “Healthy Heart Tips: Safe People Encourage”

Tip Of The Iceberg

The anger iceberg that is. Yep there is a such thing called ‘the anger iceberg’. A day ago I expressed my emotions on this platform with the main emotion being anger. That was just the tip of it and I didn’t address how I planned to heal from it. What is the point of encouragingContinue reading “Tip Of The Iceberg”

Healthy Heart Tip: Safe People Enforce

We are still talking about safe people. Safe people enforces good boundaries. According to, ‘healthy boundaries are set to make sure mentally and emotionally you are stable.’ Good boundaries care for others because you have a more stable foundation. Jesus set healthy boundaries as His foundation. I would say He’s a pretty safe person.Continue reading “Healthy Heart Tip: Safe People Enforce”

Safe People: Empathy and Understanding

🦋 Safe People 🦋 Do you think this is true? The intentions of this blog and my social media page is to provide a safe space for all to share their stories. I pray that it has been just that. What is needed for you to feel safe enough to share your story? #MattersOfTheHeart #SafePeopleContinue reading “Safe People: Empathy and Understanding”